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The Istanbul Convention

A STUDIO RUBÍN 22. 5. / 7.00 p.m. / 1 h 10 min Studio Marta GENRE: CZ, Drama

Lecturer’s introduction + Discussion after the play


Possibility to obtain a quantity discount of -25%.
Regular NdB discounts can be applied to tickets.
The discount for seniors is 30%.
The discount for disabled persons and students is 50%.
Discounts are not to be combined.

30 minutes before the play there is a lecturer’s introduction.
The discussion after the performance will take place on stage. Guest: Daniela Samsonová; moderated by Viktorie Knotková

End of the world bingo!

There is a certain international document on combating violence that almost nobody has read, but everybody has a clear opinion on it. And since this is the third time that an attempt to ratify it has been made in our country, all opinions are all the more strident. The culture wars are here! Get ready for a very sharp caliber.

Wanna bet if the world is going to end now? Better play bingo. from the middle-aged politician to the activist to the guardian of the patriarchy. There are social media warriors, men outraged by the status and rights of women, modern-day dissidents
and of course: the ideal victim. So get ready! What (good old tried and true) numbers are you likely to hear? Let’s tick off together: gender ideology and a useless piece of paper, because violence is not a problem in our country. (A woman belongs at the stove.
and the man has a career because he earns more and is more in general, so please let’s not ruin Czech culture with novelties! And besides: slapping ass never killed anyone. Bingo!

A documentary probe into the personal fears and unresolved inequality that so easily escalates into violence.

The production is produced in collaboration with Open Society, o.p.s. as part of the Grassroots Men Advocates for Gender Equality project supported by the OSF Foundation in the Active Citizens Fund program area.

Author: Barbara Herz

Direction: Barbara Herz

Text dramaturgy: Daniela Samsonová

Dramaturgy: Lucie Ferenzová, Dagmar Fričová

Directions: Petra Vlachynská

Movement cooperation: Ondřej Jiráček

Music: Vladivojna La Chia

Dramaturgy assistent: Daniela Samsonová, Klára Metge

Cast: Petr Jeništa, Lucie Syrová, Dan Kranich