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SLOVAK NATIONAL THEATRE / SK 24. 5. / 7.00 p.m. / 2 hod 50 min incl. one intermission Mahen Theatre GENRE: Foreign, Drama

Cigarettes are smoked during the play.
Subtitles in English language

Dramaturgical introduction + discussion after the performance


Possibility to obtain a quantity discount of -25%.
Regular NdB discounts can be applied to tickets.
The discount for seniors is 30%.
The discount for disabled persons and students is 50%.
Discounts are not to be combined.

Dramaturgical introduction 30 minutes before the play on the small stage
Discussion with the authors takes place after the performance on stage

The production Children is freely inspired by the short stories U Kanátov [At Kanát’s family] and Žiadna radosť [No Joy at All] by B. S. Timrava. Mara is arranging her son’s second marriage. His first marriage failed, and then she drove him almost by force into the second one with an unattractive widow that had a small child. At first, it seems that it will be just another ordeal, but the newlyweds – both social outsiders – find their way to each other surprisingly fast. Mara is horrified to discover that her son does not need her anymore, that she is losing her power over him… Zuza buried her husband. She doesn’t grieve much; the man was a drunkard and a rapist, with whom she had little joy and happiness, but mostly a long-repressed desire awakens in her. Her old youthful love is now also a widower. Is it possible to go twenty-five years back and undo what they have both destroyed by having married out of reason? Is it possible to inflame the feelings buried deep inside for years? And if so, what about the kids? A story about children… those to whom we are connected by blood ties and whom we can completely suffocate with smother-love, but also about those strangers from the other side of the valley, to whom we can be ruthless and indifferent.

Author: Božena Slančíková-Timrava

Direction: Michal Vajdička

Dramaturgy: Daniel Majling

Stage design: Pavol Andraško

Costumes: Katarína Hollá

Music: Michal Novinski

Cast: Kamila Magálová j. h., Emília Vášáryová, Diana Mórová, Rebeka Poláková, František Kovár, Emil Horváth, Jozef Vajda, Gregor Hološka, Daniel Fischer, Bence Hégli j. h., Lucia Babony j. h., Thália Král j. h., Amélia Tkáčová j. h.