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(In)dependent connections III. – When else, if not now

DSB 23. 5. / 9.30 a.m. / 2 h 30 min Káznice / Carpentry GENRE: Industry program

In times of limited resources, sharing is the only way to go. What can happen if, instead of competing, we start collaborating? And what can the independent and established scene learn from each other? What experiences do we have? What is holding us back and limiting us? And what benefits us and what would help?

(In)Dependent Connections is a travelling discussion meeting between the independent scene and established theatre institutions, organised by the Divadelní svět Brno festival and the Malá inventura festival, New Network since 2021, which has led to the creation of a separate co-production line of the production festival incubator within the Divadelní svět Brno festival. This year’s meeting is being expanded in cooperation with representatives of the Czech-Bavarian Platform for Independent Performing Arts. Association of Independent Theatres of the Czech Republic and the Bavarian Association of Independent Performing Arts (Der Verband Freie Darstellende Künste Bayerne, VFDKB), representatives of already supported and implemented co-production festival projects and representatives of the Divadelní Flóra Olomouc festival. The meeting will be held in English.

Host: Hana Průchová

Guests: zástupci Česko-bavorské platformy pro nezávislé scénické umění, Divadla LETÍ, divadla Tygr v tísni, festivalu Divadelní svět Brno a festivalu Divadelní Flóra Olomouc